Coronado National Forest - Mt. Lemmon - Green Mountain / Brush Corral Trail
>> Saturday, August 15, 2009
Trail info: Length: 8.5 (Green Mtn. up and back) + .9 (Brush Corral Shortcut) + 1.8 (Brush Corral from shortcut back to Green Mtn.) = 11.2 mile loop, Elevation (low-high): appx. 6000-7600 ft.
This trail is all about big views. Many panoramic overlooks of the valley below and plenty of interesting rock structures. At least the Green Mountain portion of the trail is very well maintained and on a recent hike I ran into a fire crew who were doing an excellent job of improving it. Like a typical mountain trail it has long up and downhill sections even though there is not a huge elevation change over the trip. The upper portion of the trail near San Pedro overlook is particularly nice early in the morning as the sun highlights the rocks. My trek on this occasion was particularly nice as it had rained the night before and the lower part of the trail was moist and refreshing as I walked along in the early morning hours. The forest was alive with sounds of animals enjoying the coolness. I hiked up viewing the interesting rock formations above me watching the light changing on them as the sun rose. By the time I reached the Brush Corral shortcut trail things were getting a bit warm even though it was only mid-morning. It was going to be a hot day on the mountain. The shortcut trail is quite a steep downhill trek at times and sometimes easy to loose sight of the trail. Thankfully there are many little rock piles to follow so I never felt like I was off track too much. Once on the Brush Corral trail heading back towards the Green Mountain trail the hike gets down along some pools that during the spring likely have some running water. For now they made a great place to relax and have lunch under the shade of the forest. After this point the trail begins working its way upward and passes a number of interesting rock formations and provides plenty of good views. It dips into another area that likely has water in the spring before climbing quickly back to the Green Mountain trail. When I hiked this it was quite overgrown although the fire crew mentioned the possibility of working on that trail too. You may want to stick with pants for this trail unless you want to get scratched up. Soon I arrived at the Brush Corral, Green Mountain junction and began the trek back which offers great views and some towering rocks to look at. It was getting into the late afternoon and some rolling thunder and storm clouds made for some excitement. I stopped and watched some butterflies and hummingbirds enjoying the agave in full bloom.
There were a number of these amazing plants along this hike. As I was coming down the final stretch of trail it was obvious a good storm was brewing and the lightning was quite awesome. I got back to my vehicle just as the rain began. I took off for some of the overlooks, not far away, to watch the storm roll through. It made for great entertainment as I ate dinner, watching the show of lightning and intensely colored clouds with the sun peaking through them until it disappeared below the mountains. Another beautiful day on the mountain had come to a close.
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