Santa Rita Mountains / Madera Canyon / Bog and Kent Springs Trails
>> Thursday, November 12, 2009
Trail info: 6.2 miles round trip / elevation (low-high) 4820-6720
Location: Trail head is in Madera Canyon at the picnic area just past campground turn off.
It was the perfect day for a drive to Madera Canyon for a leisurely (only moderately difficult) hike through the woods to enjoy the last of the fall color mostly from the massive sycamores. This hike isn't overly long but it does have some steep stretches to it despite the relatively minor elevation gain. The trail is rocky with loose ground in places so wearing hiking shoes will make it easier going. I hiked up enjoying the openness of the trail which allows for awesome views up at Mt Wrightson. It was good that it was a cool day with a breeze or the sun might be a bit much on the many unshaded areas. Where the loop begins I went to the left to hike the loop in a clockwise direction. This turned out to be a good choice as the trail is quite steep descending from Kent Springs down to Sylvester Spring and personally I'd rather go down the tough hills.
The areas near the springs were particularly attractive with gold and orange leaves dropping in the wind. All the springs had water, but only at Kent Springs was any coming down the mountain side. I rested and ate lunch there enjoying the sound of the trickling spring and staring up at the canopy of trees above. A squirrel, and some birds and butterflies also joined me, no doubt attracted to the one spot on the mountain side that still had water flowing. It was a peaceful, but windy day with the smells of fall and pine needles being carried through the air.
The hike was just the right length allowing me to go at a more relaxed pace and really soak up the beauty of the canyon.
- If you are looking to travel to Arizona or anywhere else, be sure to click over to my travel site.
- For more technical information on the trail visit the Coronado National Forest trail page
- Camping and lodging are available in the canyon area for overnight stays
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